Fastener solutions with the same OSG quality in taps, drills and end mills.
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PRODUCTS switch button
Nut Tap
OSG produces taps to thread nuts according to your needs: Standard and Special.
Trimming Dies (TMD)
Trim dies are designed to remove the flashing left over from the cold heading process on the head of bolts and fasteners. OSG can produce custom trim dies to any desired specification quickly and to the highest quality standard.
Rotary Type Thread Rolling Dies (RCD・RSD)
Planetary dies are precision ground on both the rotary die as well as the segment die. These dies may be turned over for additional settings where thread length permits. OSG offers custom dies based on any desired specification.
Thread Rolling Cylindrical Dies (TR)
Cylindrical dies are made for through-feed rolling and in-feed rolling. OSG offers customization in accordance to any desired specification.
Rolling Flat Dies (DP, T-DP)
Flat dies produce external threads by cold forming. OSG offers customization in accordance to the required material and machinery specifications.
Rack Type Rolling Dies (RF)
Rack dies are designed to eliminate the machine adjustment often required in die set up. OSG can manufacture rack dies to custom prints.
Round Dies (RD)
Cutting tool for machining male threads. Rolling tools are generally used to machine male threads, but round dies are used to cut screws for lathes.