Sobre o site OSG

About the site

Thank you for visiting the OSG website (domain: []). Please read the site policy noted below when using this site.

Usage environment

1. We recommend that you browse this website in the following environment:
Windows 8.1 Internet Explorer 11, Chrome 48.0.2564.97, Firefox 40.0.3
Mac OS Safari 9.0.2
iPhone iOS 8 Safari、Android 5.1.1
Use of this site in a non-recommended environment may result in inappropriate page views. The same issue may also occur in the recommended environment, depending on the combination of your web browser configuration, model, manufacturer, and installation conditions/versions of other applications.
2. This website uses the JavaScript programming language. Please enable JavaScript when using this site.


The copyright of the contents (texts, photographs, graphic contents, films, logos, programs, etc.) on this website belong to OSG Corporation or to the holders of the rights granted under license, so that no one can use it without authorization.

Links to other websites

We provide external links only for the information and convenience of our users. When users select a link to an external website, they leave OSG’s website and are subject to the limitations and privacy policies of that website’s owners/sponsors. We cannot control or guarantee the accuracy, relevance, timeliness or completeness of information contained on a linked site.

Dealing with Social Media

The Company makes extensive use of Twitter, Facebook and other social media. These media serve as valuable tools for advertising the Company’s products and services and for communicating with customers and the general public when using the Company’s social media accounts. We ask that you observe the attitudes, behaviors and basic etiquette described below. Please remember that our staff are using these accounts as part of their role at the Company.

1. Be self-aware and responsible when sharing information on social media.
Always be aware that the information we share on the internet can be accessed by a large number of unspecified people, that is, virtually anyone.

2. Use social media with the right frame of mind.

-Be a good listener. Always pay close attention to what our colleagues have to say.
-Learn by experience. Share what we learn from the experience widely, both inside and outside the Company, so that we can contribute to the personal growth of many individuals and the growth of communities.
-Share and respond to information responsibly. Be careful not to cause misunderstandings.
-Avoid communications that disclose personal information.
-Understand that the internet remembers everything. Information, once published, can never be completely deleted.
– Fulfill our responsibilities with regard to our routine duties.
3. Notice and Request to All Customers and Users.
Please be aware that opinions shared on social media by the Company (by our staff) do not necessarily represent the Company’s official position. Official Company announcements are distributed through official media, such as the Company’s website and press releases. Content is subject to change.

Note: For information on privacy issues, see the page Privacy Policy.